Thursday, December 9, 2010

Out of Commission for a While

We have been out of commission for a couple of weeks. I have been in the hospital with pneumonia and Charley was with me almost non-stop for the 9 days I was there. But I am home now, as of Tuesday, 12/7, and continuing to recover, with lots of loving attention from Charley. Couldn’t do it without him!

Cheyenne was so glad to see us come home!! She stayed glued to us for two days before calming back down and getting back into her daily routine.

We still plan to be in Florida soon after the New Year arrives and will be at the Super Rally January 12-16 in Tampa as planned. We will then go from there to somewhere in Florida to stay until late March.


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Here in FL at the moment the weather is not that great, but I am sure it will improve (read hope).

    Stay safe and healthy.

  2. sorry to hear you have been in the hospital!..but glad you are out and on the mend!!..take care of yourself!!

  3. Eeeee Gads!!! I'm so glad you got yourself well again. I bet Charlie is relieved too. What a great husband to stay by your side like that :) 9 days in a hospital is NO FUN!! Keep getting stronger!

  4. WOW...You have to pretty darn sick for them to allow you to stay in the hosptital that long!! So glad you are back "home"...please take it easy..

  5. So glad to hear you're on the road to recovery. Sounds like you have a good loving helper.
    B.W. & Carol

  6. Sherry, so sorry to hear about Your illness...Glad Charlie is a great nurse! We are still here in Tallahassee , love to see you if you are in our neighborhood, let us know. We have had some darn cold weather this past week and will have some more they say starting Sun. night.Very unusual for this time of the year!Merry Christmas! Joyce R.
