Thursday, December 30, 2010
Happy New Year!!
We have most of our preparations for travel Monday completed. Just a few cleaning chores to finish up. I do hope that we will find warmer weather in Florida…. need some time outside in the fresh air!!
We do hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and are planning a great New Year!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures from ours!! We had loads of fun, especially watching the kids with all their stuff (and it was way too much)!! And yes, we did get snow in South Carolina the day after Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!
I have been for a follow up with the doctor and am doing well. Still working on trying to recover my strength and making progress.
We have been working on getting ready for the holidays and, at the same time, getting the 5er ready for our trip to Florida the beginning of January. I just hope that it warms up there before we arrive. The goal is to get away from the cold!!!
Our plan is to stay in Florida until mid to late March 2011 and then return to SC for a brief visit before heading back out west. Have to take care of doctor visits during this time also.
Once we get back on the road I will get back into my routine of updating our blog daily, I promise!! I have been a slacker lately……
One thing that we did celebrate since my last update was our wedding anniversary on December 19. We have now been married 40 years!! And all of them happy ones!
Once again, Charley and I sincerely hope that everyone out there will have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!! And be safe!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thank You
Thanks to everyone for the very kind comments added to our blog related to my recent illness. I am continuing to recover and am doing well with a goal of getting back to as normal as possible by Christmas!!
We are still planning to head for Florida in early January. We just hope that the weather there will warm up before we go!!
It is unusually cold here for this time of year and we are staying in as much as possible, especially me. I plan to continue to do this until it gets a little warmer. In the meantime I will just continue to shiver.
We hope that all you RVers out there will have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Out of Commission for a While
We have been out of commission for a couple of weeks. I have been in the hospital with pneumonia and Charley was with me almost non-stop for the 9 days I was there. But I am home now, as of Tuesday, 12/7, and continuing to recover, with lots of loving attention from Charley. Couldn’t do it without him!
Cheyenne was so glad to see us come home!! She stayed glued to us for two days before calming back down and getting back into her daily routine.
We still plan to be in Florida soon after the New Year arrives and will be at the Super Rally January 12-16 in Tampa as planned. We will then go from there to somewhere in Florida to stay until late March.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Our son, Jason, has teamed up with a friend of his to compete in BBQ cook-offs. They were entered in one on November 6 and they won first place in the amateur division. They won $500 and a huge trophy!! They entered another on November 20, here in Blythewood, SC, and they took 6th place. So they are off to a great start and seem to really enjoy doing it.
We have already begun to celebrate Thanksgiving. We had our family get together with my Mom on Sunday and everyone except my son, his wife and youngest daughter were there. Kaydee, our little 4 year old, was sick and could not go. We had a great time and lots of good food. I am so thankful that my Mom is doing so well even though she has many health issues. She did, however, overdo it while trying to prepare food and get ready for everyone to converge at her place!! Will probably take her a week or more to recover.
We are also invited to share a Thanksgiving meal with our son-in-law’s family on Thanksgiving day. We are looking forward to seeing them all again. Oh how I do love the turkey and all the trimmings!!
Charley’s Dad is visiting this week (93 years young, remember) and is currently at my brother-in-law’s home. He will be coming to spend a few days with us over the weekend before we get him back home. He is still doing very well.
We are so thankful that our entire family still remains in good health overall and seem to be prospering even in light of our country’s current economic situation. We do hope that this continues into the holiday season and the new year ahead.
Charley and I hope that all of you readers/followers out there will have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Happy Birthday to our grandson Jed!!
We had a nice dinner with our family last night to celebrate our grandson’s 11th birthday. He has celebrated every one of his 11 birthdays by having dinner at Hooters!! Can you imagine? It is sort of a tradition with him. When he was a toddler he really loved having his picture taken with the Hooters girls. Now he is somewhat embarrassed by it all….but he was a good sport and posed for our cameras.
He also has birthday parties and invites his friends and family.
When Jed joined us at Yellowstone in September he let us know that he wanted a western belt with a big cowboy buckle like his Pepaw has along with a western shirt that he can wear with his cowboy hat. So that is what we got him for his birthday. A black western shirt, black belt and silver buckle with a Texas longhorn on it. He tried it on and modeled it for us last night and he looked like a real cowboy!! He kept saying thank you over and over.
Not looking good for the trip to Florida before Christmas. More doctor visits to take care of.
Stay tuned!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Getting Anxious
We are getting anxious to get on the road again! We are talking about a two week trip to check out an Escapees SKP park in Wauchula, Florida that Charley found out about. This will depend on my ability to rearrange a doctor’s appointment so it may not be possible. We shall see.
What we have been doing lately, other than spending time with family, is taking care of some reorganizing/cleaning of the 5er and trying to do some early Christmas shopping on-line. We have found, since we began our adventure this year, that we don’t need all the “stuff” that we started with. And I am sure that this will continue to change and require even more organizing.
And since I am not a person who enjoys shopping (yes, I know…. I am weird), on-line is the way to go for Christmas.
And the cleanup is not yet finished. That is moving very slowly but it WILL be done. We will not take the 5er back out on the road until she is completely cleaned up.
Charley and I were invited to have lunch with our two oldest grandchildren, ages 10 and 7, on Veterans Day. Charley was on stage for a few minutes in the 7 year old’s class to answer questions about his military experience. He retired from the SC Army National Guard with 20 years of service in 1995. The school served turkey and dressing and it was quite good. The grandkids seemed very proud that we were there for them.
This is about it for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Chair
This, along with the side table, was Charley’s birthday present… Yes, he celebrated a birthday on 11/1, and this is what he wanted. We eliminated the two cloth recliners that came with the 5er and replaced those with this one. It is a LA Z BOY and is a very soft leather. We very seldom have a need for the second chair so it works for us. Let us know what you think of it.
We have not been up to much. The weather here in SC has cooled off considerably. They actually have a frost warning for tonight!! So our outside cleaning chores are still on hold for the most part until the weather warms back up (and it will). Charley has also been sick with a cold for the last week or more and didn’t need to be outside getting wet. It will get done eventually.
We are still enjoying being with our kids and grandkids and looking forward to the holidays. I have actually started some of our shopping for Christmas (on-line) which is unlike me. I have always been the last minute type. It will be nice to get it done early.
We did get registered for the RV Dream rally in Sevierville, TN to be held in April. This will be our first rally and we are really looking forward to it. We are also hoping to go to two others, the Escapees Escapades Rally in Gillette, WY in August and the Gypsy Journal Rally in Selina, OH in September.
Hopefully my updates will be more frequent in the weeks to come but I will only do once a week unless we have big news.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Our Weekly Update
We went shopping today for a new recliner for Charley and he found one. It is a LA Z BOY brown leather oversized wall hugger. How is that for a description??? Seriously, it is very nice. We had been planning on replacing the original recliners that came with our 5er with better quality ones. We just recently decided that we would go with one versus two since my perch is on the sofa. And I will steal the recliner from him when I need it. We hope to be able to pick up the new one on Friday.
Also had another doctor visit for a checkup today and that went well. So far nothing but the scheduling of tests that have to be done on a regular basis. All goodness!!
Still haven’t finished our cleanup chores yet. What can I say? We are retired you know.
We are still planning to become snowbirds and head for south Alabama in January.
I took on a huge project about 1 1/2 weeks ago. We had most of our pictures stored electronically, either from those uploaded from our cameras or stored on CD’s or scanned into the computer and then put on CD’s. You name it, we had it. Well, I decided that we needed to get these stored in a more protected way so we bought a 1 TB external hard drive to use primarily for this and then I got started. Well, needless to say, this became much bigger than I originally thought and I am still working on it. We had duplicates and I decided to try to find them all. I am also trying to group the pictures and name the files so that we know what they are. This is fun for me because I love organizing things. I am very close to being done with what we have. We still have a few photo albums stored somewhere (?) that we need to pull out so that I can scan and save those. Keeps me busy, you know?
More later.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Still Alive and Kicking
We are still trying to get all of our cleanup activities taken care of. There have been a lot of unexpected grandchildren activities including one field trip that have prevented us from making a lot of progress but we hope to get on it soon. Aside from this we do not have much going on right now other than doctor visits and family stuff. Charley and I were talking just yesterday that we already miss being on the road and are looking forward to our next journey in January.
Welcome to the new followers that have joined us in the last couple of weeks. Sorry that the timing is not just right for seeing much about us right now but we will be back!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Mid-October in SC
Well, we are continuing to work on clean up activities from our two months of travel. Charley has started on getting all the bugs removed from our 5er but there is still more of that….. The truck has only had some reorganizing done so far, she still needs a bath! What can I say, we are both being a little lazy since we returned but we will get back on track soon. We did get some much needed cleanup finished inside the 5er this week.
For those of you who kept up with us throughout our trip, our grandson’s name is Jed (nickname that comes from his name - Jason Edward Dilworth, Jr). He was apparently a big hit at school when he returned from Yellowstone with all of his pictures, brochures and stories. Even though he enjoyed the horseback riding the most it seems :-)…..
The fall weather is beginning to move into the midlands of SC. Leaves are turning and falling and temperatures are becoming more tolerable. We will try to take some pictures of the fall colors here and post them later.
The holidays will be here soon and I cannot believe it. 2010 has flown by but it has been a really fun year.
More later.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Quick Update
We have been very busy with family the last few days. Just checking in to let everyone know we are still kicking!! The rest of the month of October will be dedicated to getting in for a number of doctor visits, including flu shots, and getting the 5er and truck all cleaned up from our travels. They are both a mess!!
Hope everyone is doing well and getting prepared for winter!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
We are in SC
We arrived in Bythewood, SC yesterday afternoon and have been hugged and hugged and hugged!! It was so good to see our grandchildren, they make us feel so loved and special!! We have our youngest granddaughter’s birthday party tomorrow and that will be fun. She is turning 4.
We will be taking time off from our travels until after the holidays so updates to our blog may be a little less frequent than they have been. We will be keeping up with all of you while we are “resting”….. and then on to sunny south Alabama in January with plans to be there for about 2 months.
It has been a fun couple of months but we look forward to moving at a much slower pace from now on. 9,000 miles in 2 months is just too much!!
Stay tuned and we will too!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Travel to South Carolina
We left Talladega at about 8:15 this morning and arrived at Crooked Creek RV Park in West Union, SC at about 3:30 (one hour time change included). Got all set up, made a quick grocery run and then did dinner with my sister, Pat, who works here at the park. After dinner took some time to show her some of our pictures from the trip.
We are tired and looking forward to visiting with some of our family for a couple of days (Charley’s Dad and my Mom mainly). Then it will be back to Blythewood, SC to see the kids and grandkids on Friday!!
Sorry, no pictures today….. Camera did not even get turned on!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Talladega, Alabama
Traveled on FUT22, the future site of I22 corridor.
We did not get to do very much in Memphis. As you can all see our blog has not been updated since Friday. I had a migraine that simply would not go away and was in bed for two days!! Back in commission now and on the road again…..
One thing that we did get to do was enjoy some Memphis BBQ. Went to Corky’s BBQ, which was highly recommended by campground personnel and one fellow full-timer. It was delicious. They actually ship their BBQ so we got one of their catalogues to take with us.
We did get a few pictures but not very many good ones. We had already decided that the Graceland tours were not for us, way too expensive. Rode down to Beale Street and found that to be very much like Bourbon Street in New Orleans and with the way I was feeling we decided not to stay.
We will just have to come back again later for another visit and see all the stuff that we missed this time.
By the way, we have to mention this and share with you what a small world it can be. And we cannot say it any better than Brian Gore, another fellow full-timer whose blog Charley follows regularly. Below is a copy from his post.
“Had one interesting incident on I-25 rollin' to Denver. A big, white, Ford F-450 pulled up alongside in the heavy, bumper to bumper traffic... For a minute I figured they were just checkin' out the bozo with all the motorcycles adorning his rig :o) ... and then he started tootin' his horn!
First thought in my head was; "Aw hell... what have I broke now that I can't see?" When I looked over the driver started hollerin' out his passenger window, but over the road noise of those diesels... my artillery ears couldn't make sense of what he was shoutin'...
... so he tried a couple more times... and between reading his lips... and straining my ears... it finally got through... "I Read Your Blog!" :o)
He sent me a message later via the facebook do hickey... that they were on a trip from South Carolina to Yellowstone... and were on their way home... He'd spotted the old flatbed dodge pullin' a "White" trailer... with TWO bikes... and "Had to speed up to see the Driver"... :o)
Now, think about this... they go all that way... thousands of miles... and our paths manage to cross in that little piece of highway we share for just a very little while... and he recognizes my old rig and manages to shout a "How Do" across the highway... What are the odds?
THAT, was pretty cool! :o) and a really nice way to soften a genuinely stressful day...”
Charley took me by surprise when he said “I know that guy” while we were were driving down I-25. I thought he was joking!! Silly me…. As Brian said, what are the odds….??
Friday, October 1, 2010
Travel to Memphis Tennessee
We left Little Rock at around 8:00 this morning and arrived in Memphis between 10:30 – 11:00. No pictures today, only took a couple of the Mississippi River when we crossed it and I will include those tomorrow. Since I started the day with a major headache and cannot seem to kick it today will be very quiet.
We are actually staying at the Elvis Presley Blvd RV Park. It is about 1 1/2 blocks from Graceland. We saw Elvis’s jet plane on display as we passed by it on our way here.
We are planning to watch the Clemson football game tomorrow (kickoff at 11:00AM CDT) and then head out for some sightseeing followed by some Memphis BBQ for dinner. Not sure if we will have to take one of the tours to actually see Graceland or not but I would guess that we would have to. Our hope is to just snap a few pictures from the outside. Not really interested in the grand tour but we will see….. There are many other sights to see here based on the brochures we picked up and Charley’s research.
I promise a better update tomorrow.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Travel to Little Rock, Arkansas
We left Oklahoma City at 8:30 this morning an arrived here in Little Rock at around 3:30 this afternoon. Staying at the Downtown Riverside RV Park, a very small campground in downtown Little Rock. It is an okay place for a one night stay, no cable, no sewer connections and none of the amenities we have grown accustomed to. But for an overnight it is fine.
The drive here was VERY boring. I-40 did not offer much in the way of scenery, mostly just trees between the exits…. ho, hum. We did not think we would ever say it but, the plains of Colorado and Kansas were much more interesting!! Needless to say there are no pictures to share tonight…..
We will be packing up and heading for Memphis in the morning and will be there for three nights. Several things we plan to see there so the pictures will be returning soon!!
A note to everyone who has joined us as blog and network blog (facebook) followers since we started this adventure…. THANK YOU!! We appreciate you travelling along with us. We also enjoy and appreciate all the nice and at times very helpful comments that keep coming our way. My apologies for not saying thank you sooner!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sightseeing in Oklahoma City
Now, my update……
We went to see the site of the Oklahoma City Bombing and the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum today. Visiting the site of the bombing brought back many memories of when that occurred and how frightening it was. The memorial that this city has constructed is beautiful. I hope that the pictures that I am attaching will help describe it better than I can in words. It is actually built on the site of the building that was destroyed. It is so sad to see the wall where memorabilia have been left to honor those who lost their lives that day.
We enjoyed visiting the Cowboy museum also. Part of this museum is dedicated to artwork depicting the old west and part of it actually houses artifacts from that period in our history. One section, the part dedicated to native Americans, was closed so we missed that. And, lucky us, it turns out that effective 9/1/2010 they started not charging admission on Wednesday’s and we picked a Wednesday to go!!
Cheyenne got to tour both of these with us and rode in the wheelchair with me (lazy, huh?). She is such an angel of a puppy though. Not a sound and friendly with everyone!! She certainly helps us meet new people everywhere we go!!
We will be leaving for Little Rock, Arkansas in the morning for a one night stay and then on to Memphis for two nights after that. On our way east to spend the next few months with family. Cannot wait to see those grandkids (and kids) of ours!!
I hope you enjoy the pictures. Be glad to answer any questions for you if you have plans to visit here soon.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Travel to Oklahoma City
Charley has gone this morning to get our F450 serviced. Needed an oil change and a leak fixed (losing coolant). Hope he will be back soon.
We are planning to stay here until Thursday morning for some much needed rest and to see some of the sites in this area. One thing that we do plan to see is the site of the Oklahoma City bombing.
The pictures that we have from our travel across Kansas and into Oklahoma are not spectacular but I have a few of them below.
Oklahoma City Skyline
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Travel to Russell, Kansas
What a boring drive!! Everything looked pretty much the same for the entire trip! We did see one thing new, feeder lots for cattle. They were huge and were filled with hundreds of cattle. Needless to say, the aroma was strong!!
We left Greeley at 8:30AM Mountain Time and arrived in Russell at 4:30 Central. Losing an hour is not a good thing on a long travel day….
We are planning to leave early in the morning headed for Oklahoma City. We are going to stay two nights there and get some rest (I hope)… Will be staying at our first “adults only” campground.
No pictures again today, like I said…. boring….
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Last Day in Greeley, Colorado
We have spent today relaxing, watching football, and getting ready for a couple of days of hard travel to get back east by the deadline we have set for ourselves. Planning to head out early in the morning on our way to Russell, Kansas where we will spend one night and then on to Oklahoma City where we plan to spend a couple of nights.
Getting ready to start dinner so that we can watch the Gamecocks play Auburn. Will be interesting to see how this compares to the Auburn/Clemson game.
Travel to Greeley Colorado
Took time to have lunch in the middle of getting set up and then hooked up the satellite dish so that Charley can get his football fix tomorrow before we get on the road again.
Went to dinner with Charley’s first cousin, Janis, her husband, Dick, and their son, Benton. It is so nice to have an opportunity to visit family while on the road, especially those you do not get to see very often. They treated us to a delicious dinner at their home and the company was even better.