In Fredericksburg we visited the Pacific War Museum and it was awesome. They have done a magnificent job of putting this together and showing all that happened. Huge number of items on display from that period in our history. Also ate lunch at an authentic German restaurant and it was so good. Been a long time since we have had German food. Main Street was a lot of shops and restaurants but the architecture was beautiful. This is definitely a place that we may visit again.
The LBJ Ranch was nice too. The ranch that this former president grew up on has been well preserved but yet it is still a working ranch. Again, well worth the visit.
Luckenbach now is another story. This little town, and I do mean little, really consisted of only one store and the post office.
It was a long day but again well worth it. We will probably take tomorrow off and rest. It is supposed to rain anyway and sightseeing in the rain is no fun!!
Below are some pictures of all three places from today.
Fredericksburg (Pacific War Museum and Main Street)
LBJ Ranch
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